Monday, 27 April 2015

Kufr or All-weathers friends ?

China has been lauded by Pakistani officialdom since at least the early 1960s, and particularly after the border conflict erupted between China and India in 1962. At the height of the Cold War, communist China's credentials were never questioned. Yet the also communist Soviet Union was demonised as the international sponsor of kufr. China is still run by a communist party, and everyone from the mullahs to the generals talk up its greatness. 

Should Pak bask in the glory of China’s aid?

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Gwadar Corridor going thru 3 troublesome areas

Friday, 24 April 2015

A Pakistani view on the recent deals between China and Pakistan

Doubts and afterthoughts of some Pakistanis about the Corridor from Xinjiang to Balutchistan :

Thursday, 23 April 2015

The Monotheist Parenthesis

Compared to the scale of our species history - some 3 millions of years - present day monotheism, after the definition it gives of itself - one God revealed to Abraham and a series of prophets, all Semitic - is a rather recent phénomenon, and of very short duration, some 3 000 years at the most since its still debated origins, and barely 2 000 years since it gained its global reach with the successive victories of Christianity and Islam. 

Indeed there is no written traces of any religious rite, behavior, attitude and faith before the 4th millenium BC - that means 6 000 years ago. And that is but the tip of an evolution that saw fire worship, the first monumental burying of the deceased, cave arts and megalithic tempels. 

Furthermore, that "evolution" is only manifest in a part of the world limited to the Middle-East, the Mediterranean, North Africa, Europe and most recently America - let's call it "the West" -  while the Far East and India remained faithful to their animist and polytheist traditions.

And it is that part of the world, that remained "pagan", that is becoming the epicentre or the engine of the world economy !If you read French go to my new  blog :

La parenthèse monothéiste :

A l'échelle de l'histoire de l'humanité, quelque trois millions d'années au moins, le monothéisme contemporain d'après la/les définitions qu'il se donne – un seul Dieu révélé à Abraham et à une série de prophètes, tous sémites - représente un phénomène récent et surtout de très courte durée, quelque trois-mille ans au plus depuis ses origines encore débattues, 2000 ans depuis qu'il s'est affirmé universellement avec les victoires successives du christianisme puis de l'islam. En effet si les traces écrites des croyances, comportements et rituels religieux n'apparaissent pas avant le quatrième millénaire AEC, ce qui couvre donc les six derniers millénaires, elles ne font que couronner une centaine de millier d'années où la maîtrise du feu, la sépulture des défunts, la peinture rupestre et les arts monumentaux les plus anciens (mégalithes) représentent les seules traces de comportements éventuellement liés à ce que nous appelons "religion".

Hla Oo's Blog: Tony Abbott: ISIS A Death Cult Waging War On World...

Hla Oo's Blog: Tony Abbott: ISIS A Death Cult Waging War On World...: (Feature article direct from the YAHOO!7 NEWS on 25 September 2014.) Tony Abbott addressing UN on fighting ISIS. Prime Minister Ton...

Islam is a "death cult waging war to the world". It is a 1500 years old Arab nationalism and supremacism's plot against humanity that has always used - when allowed to - hypnosis and terror to achieve its evil goals